Currently viewing:Trademark Gold

Item #: Swaged and Benched

​Simonds Trademark Gold sawmill bandsaws represent the Gold Standard for bandsaw blades.  Craftsmanship, Quality Materials, and Pride go into every saw.

Why Simonds?

Simonds was an early pioneer in the narrow kerf bandsaw blade industry. And, this business is still core to Simonds today. We brought some early innovations to the market, such as the first 1-1/4″ and 2″ wide hard back bandsaw products. We developed innovative packaging designs for our Welding Distributors, by working together to minimize logistics costs.

A recent development, PreSharp, sets a new standard of performance by squaring the face to the cut to perform right out of the factory. Choose Simonds because we bring our century of wood cutting experience to each and every Red Streak blade.